Render Pipeline And Post Processing Setup
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The asset will work out of the box in all render pipelines. If you just want to use the asset it’s ready to go right after import. The following steps are only relevant if you:
You want to get the exact results seen in the Trailer Demo, screenshots, WebGL Demo etc…
You want to learn how to add Post Processing Bloom that will be responsible to make bright things glow (needed for effects like Glow and other effects that have intensity properties to have glowing halos as if they produced light)
You want to use the 2D Renderer URP realtime lighting shader
For Built-In pipeline:
Install Post Processing package from the Package Manager
In Graphics Settings enable HDR in all checkboxes
Make sure you allow HDR in you camera
Add Post Process Layer and Volume
Properly configure them make making it Global and setting the Layer to the same Layer of the Camera you are using
You can also watch a video about it here:
URP pipeline steps:
Import the “2DRenderer-URP-pre2021.2” or “2DRenderer-URP-2021.2plus” Unity Package depending if you are before version 2021.2 or not. Choose the first one if you are in an older Unity version and the second one if you are in 2021.2 or a later version. If you want to change the package just delete the 2DRenderer_URP folder and import the other one. Once imported the URP demo scenes can be found in the 2DRenderer_URP folder. DemoOriginalUrp is the one you’ll want to use unless you follow the 2D Renderer setup steps we’ll see right after.
Set Color Space to Gamma in Player Settings, Other Settings, Color Space Post Processing should be working straight away in the URP Demo scenes but here you have a setup video just in case: (URP Post Processing) *Unity has been making some changes to the Volumes Post Processing, so depending on your Unity version things may look too bright and glowy. Feel free to play around with the Bloom effect parameters in the Volumes component of the Camera (those particular property values in red are pretty good for old versions of Unity):
2D URP Renderer for 2D realtime lighting:
Follow the setup steps of URP right above
Set Color Space to Gamma in Player Settings, Other Settings, Color Space
In Graphics Settings set the Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings to “AllIn1UrpAsset”. You can use your own Pipeline Asset too if you already have one
In Quality Settings set the Rendering asset to “AllIn1UrpAsset”
After implementing these changes, the DemoLighting demo scene is now functional. You can run the scene to observe the 2D real-time lighting effects in action. You can also watch these 2 short videos here (they are a bit out of date but it may help): (URP Renderer Setup) (URP Post Processing)